Our first faith education journey will commence on Monday February 4th 2019 at 7:15pm. This program which will run up until Easter will provide for all of us a reintroduction to our faith. We do encourage parishioners to make the most of this opportunity.
We also encourage parishioners to bring this program to the attention of
people we know who are not Catholics that may be interested in learning about the faith.
1. Where on earth is God? (Life to the full 1)
2. The Father’s Promises (life to the full 2)
3. Why we Believe (series Believe 1)
4. How we Believe (series believe 2)
5. Who needs the Catholic Church? (Series exploring the Catholic Church 1)
6. Baptism – gate way to life (series exploring the Catholic Church 2)
7. Confirmation – empowered to serve (exploring the Catholic Church 7)
8. Confession – do they still do that? (Series parents 3)
9. The Mass – do we need it? (Series parents 5)
This program will move into part 2 after Easter for 5 meetings.
If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact the Parish Office.