• The Thanksgiving Offertory donation page features a drop-down list of all parishes. People can select their parish and give a one-off or recurring gift.
  • People can choose from three giving options:
  1. For our clergy’s sustentation and care (first offertory collection)
  2. For your parish’s ministry and maintenance (second offertory collection)
  3. For stewardship of our parish and clergy (combined gift to first and second offertory collection)

As you would be aware with the ongoing Covid19 pandemic and restrictions imposed on our Churches, the financial support of our parish is now very different. The parish is receiving limited income at this time. We are very appreciative of those who continue to drop in envelopes each week and also those who are taking advantage of online contributions. As we continue to receive our expenses each week, it is important, that, if it is at all possible, parishioners continue to offer their financial support to our parish family. This can be done by:

  • Visiting our parish website and use the ‘Make a Payment’ button’. The Biller Code drop down box will let you choose from Planned Giving or First Collection or Second Collection etc.
  • You can contact the parish office to set up a planned giving direct debit or setup your own recurring payment to: BSB: 067 950 . Account Number: 00000420 . Account Name: Marayong Catholic Church
  • Two tap and go terminals are available in the church.
  • Envelopes can be dropped into the parish office.

St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Parish
40 Breakfast Rd
(PO Box 4345)
Marayong 2148 , NSW Australia

Copyright @ St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Parish | All right reserved