Daily Encounters with God

Pray As You Go (www.pray-as-you-go.org) is an online daily prayer session that supports prayer and reflection. Produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, this contemporary resources provides a new prayer session every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. Lasting on average between ten and thirteen minutes a session, it combines music, Scripture and questions for personal reflection.

iBreviary (www.ibreviary.org) is an instrument for personal prayer.  It includes the Liturgy of the Hours and Mass readings for the day. It is available on iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android devices.

3 Minute Retreats (www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer.htm ) are offered by Loyola Press with short reflections on a Scripture passage. A new reflection is available everyday and archives of previous reflections are also available on the website.  This website would be very useful for prayer at parish pastoral council or ministry group meetings.

Laudate App combines a large number of Catholic religious resources into a single app, giving you instant access to everything you could need, from a copy of multiple versions of the Bible, to prayers, confession prompts, and more.  Download from Google Play or the App Store on iTunes

Universalis (www.universalis.com) offers the psalms and readings for each hour of the day.  This site offers the version of the Liturgy of the Hours as used in Australia.

Bread4Today (www.cssr.org.au/bread4today) is a website produced by the Redemptorists and offers a daily reflection.  The mobile app is available from Google Play or the App Store on iTunes.

Focus Equip (www.focusequip.org) is a website produced by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, USA, and provides access to free talks from popular Catholic speakers and other prayer and faith formation resources.   It is particularly targeted at university students and talks can also be delivered to your inbox each Tuesday upon registration.


St Andrew the Apostle Catholic Parish
40 Breakfast Rd
(PO Box 4345)
Marayong 2148 , NSW Australia

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